Welcome to the halkin blog.
Your source for weekly stories and advice on local business, the economy in general and what’s happening in Sydney this weekend.
A Roadmap for the Future: Restructuring your Business
If you’re a business owner, the thought of restructuring doesn’t need to strike fear into your heart. This process doesn’t necessarily indicate layoffs or upheaval. Truth be told, for a business to progress and grow, restructuring is necessary – and something that should be planned out with a clear roadmap, including key milestones that will trigger your restructuring roadmap.
We know that good people are the most important asset any business has; ensuring your roadmap includes succession planning is a key to successful restructuring. Think about this: if your highest-performing employees can’t see a clear path to progress in the company, you’re likely to lose their motivation, interest, and eventually, the employee. A well-planned roadmap means that managers at all levels can see where they may move next and guide their teams appropriately.
Meet halkinbp.
Change is like a vacation, or holiday depending on where you live.
Since there hasn't been much of either lately, we decided to put some high-level effort into updating our brand and communications; and expanding and improving our practice.